
#165: Covid Vaccine Hesitancy in Sweden, with Dr. Mia-Marie Hammarlin

Dr. Mia-Marie Hammarlin, Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication at Lund University, shares her research on vaccine hesitancy in Sweden. We discuss the major themes of coronavirus vaccine skepticism on the Swedish online forum Flashback, as well as Dr. Hammarlin’s ethnographic research meeting with vaccine hesitant communities.

Here are links to Dr. Hammarlin’s research mentioned in the episode:

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Matters of Life and Death (2023)

I bonded with COVID vaccine sceptics over saunas and Mother Earth rituals (2023)

And check out HT-samtal, a podcast on humanities research from Lund! 

#164: Political Persuasion and the Effects of Targeted Social Media Ads, with Dr. Alexander Coppock

Dr. Alexander Coppock, Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University, shares his research on measuring the political effects of persuasive information. We discuss how political persuasion affects voters holding different viewpoints, the durability of these effects over time, and how much political ads seem to affect voters’ political attitudes. 

Here are Dr. Coppock’s research studies discussed in the episode: 


Persuasion in Parallel: How Information Changes Minds about Politics (2022)

The small effects of political advertising are small regardless of context, message, sender, or receiver (2020)

Does digital advertising affect vote choice? Evidence from a randomized field experiment (2022)

The impact of digital advertising on turnout during the 2020 US presidential election (Pre-print, 2022)

#162: Negative Campaigning on Facebook in EU Elections, Cross-Platform Extremism, and Dissonant Public Spheres, with Prof. Ulrike Klinger

Prof. Ulrike Klinger, Professor for Digital Democracy at the European New School for Digital Studies at European University Viadrina, shares her latest research on negative campaigning on social media. We discuss some of the challenges in studying digital communication in the EU, as well as what explains a rise in negative campaigning across two European Parliament elections. Prof. Klinger also shares her research on the UN Global Compact for Migration, where extremist ideas from the Identitarian movement were picked up by the mainstream media. Lastly, we discuss Prof. Klinger’s suggestions for increasing researcher data access ahead of the Digital Services Act.

Here are links to the studies discussed in the episode: 

  1.  Are Campaigns Getting Uglier, and Who Is to Blame? Negativity, Dramatization and Populism on Facebook in the 2014 and 2019 EP Election Campaigns (2023)

  2. From the fringes into mainstream politics: intermediary networks and movement-party coordination of a global anti-immigration campaign in Germany (2022)

  3. Delegated Regulation on Data Access Provided for the Digital Services Act (2023)

  4. Political Communication Special Issue: Digital Campaigning in Dissonant Public Spheres (2023)

#159: Social Media, Democracy, and National Security, with Jenny Reich

Jenny Reich, Fellow at the Georgetown Law Center on National Security, discusses the Center’s recent report entitled Social Media: The Canary in the Coal Mine.

We dive into the potential security risks posed by digital technology developments as well as the report’s recommendations for addressing them at the levels of government, the tech industry, and civil society. The report brings together various stakeholders to shed insight on the core democratic values of the United States, the major threats posed by technological advancements, and first steps toward developing regulatory frameworks and civil society resilience to meet these threats in ways that safeguard democracy and American national security interests. 

#157: Political Targeting, Strategic Communication, and Democracy, with Prof. Sanne Kruikemeier

Prof. Sanne Kruikemeier, Professor of Digital Media and Society at Wageningen University & Research, discusses her latest research on political targeting. We discuss how political targeting differs in EU and US contexts, how perceptions of targeting affect voters’ democratic perceptions, and what types of issues parties strategically communicate during election campaigns.


Here are the studies discussed in the episode:


Data-driven campaigning and democratic disruption: Evidence from six advanced democracies (2022)

Understanding the democratic role of perceived online political micro-targeting (2022)

(Tar)getting you: The use of online political targeted messages on Facebook (2022)

#155: 2022 Year in Review! Social Media and Politics, with Dr. Anamaria Dutceac Segesten

The 7th Annual Social Media and Politics Podcast Year in Review! A Mega Episode with lots of knowledge bombs – you’ll simply have to listen to hear them all!


Here is a gift of all the platform year in review reports:


Facebook: Protecting People from Online Threats in 2022

Instagram: 2023 Instagram Trend Report

Google: Year in Search

TikTok: 1)  Year on TikTok: 2022, truly #ForYou
TikTok: 2) What’s Next 2023 Trend Report

Pinterest: Pinterest Predicts 2022

Reddit: Reddit Recap 2022

Snapchat: Year End 2022

Pornhub: 2022 Year in Review


And the two clips played in the episode: 


SNL BeReal Skit

Zelensky Deepfake

See you in January for new episodes! 


Share your thoughts or questions @SMandPPodcast


Keep downloading,  listening, and learning! <3


#154: Social Media, Citizen Journalism, and Activism in Africa, with Prof. Bruce Mutsvairo

Prof. Bruce Mutsvairo, Professor of Media and Politics at Utrecht University, shares his insights on the role of social media and politics on the African continent. We discuss digital activism across countries, how structures like data bundles might lead to surveillance, and the growing role of influencers as reporters of news. 

The Special Issue call for citizen journalists is here (I’ll update the link as soon as it’s live!). 


Here are the studies we discuss in the episode:


The Janus face of social media and democracy? Reflections on Africa (2020)

Is citizen journalism dead? An examination of recent developments in the field (2020)

#152: Cross-Platform Visual Campaigning on Social Media: Emotions in Political Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images


In this episode, it’s just me! I present a recently published study, co-authored with Rasmus Schmøkel and published in Political Communication, that analyzes US Presidential campaigns’ emotion expression across Facebook and Instagram.


I’ll explain the theoretical backdrop of the study, give an overview of the state-of-the-art on visual political communication, and communicate the study’s methods and key results. Hope you enjoy this one-on-one episode!

Here’s a link to the study (feel free to share around):

Cross-Platform Emotions in Social Media Political Campaigning: Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election (2022) 

#150: Swedish Elections 2022, Political Communication, and Social Media, with Dr. Nils Gustafsson

Dr. Nils Gustafsson, Senior Lecturer of Strategic Communication at Lund University, discusses the run-up to the 2022 Swedish Elections and then findings from his research. First, we chat about the main political issues that Swedes are voting on, as well as how political parties and party leaders are digital campaigning on social media. Then, Dr. Gustafsson shares findings from three of his research projects. We discuss how Facebook was viewed as a tool for participation when it first became widely adopted in Sweden, how rejection sensitivity might affect political expression online, and how media narratives about polarization in Swedish media have changed over time.

Here are links to the two published studies we discuss in the episode:

The Subtle Nature of Facebook Politics: Swedish Social Network Site Users and Political Participation (2012)

A Social Safety Net? Rejection Sensitivity and Political Opinion Sharing among Young People in Social Media (2018)