Digital Strategists

#5: Hillary for Prison and Instagram: Grassroots Campaigning through Memes, with Emily Longworth

Emily Longworth, spokesperson for the Hillary for Prison movement, shares how the grassroots organization is using Instagram to promote its message during the 2016 US presidential elections. We discuss what type of conversations take place on their Instagram account’s comment fields, the role of hashtags to the account’s success, and bringing a bit of humor into politics.

#1: The European Parliament on Snapchat: Engaging EU Youth in Politics through Social Media, with Karolina Wozniak

Karolina Wozniak, Social Media Coordinator for the European Parliament, shares how and why the European Parliament is using Snapchat to engage youth in EU politics. Listen in as we discuss where Snapchat fits into the Parliament’s overall social media strategy, the levels and types of citizen engagement, geofilters, and the costs of running a Snapchat account for a government institution (you’ll be surprised!).