
#152: Cross-Platform Visual Campaigning on Social Media: Emotions in Political Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images


In this episode, it’s just me! I present a recently published study, co-authored with Rasmus Schmøkel and published in Political Communication, that analyzes US Presidential campaigns’ emotion expression across Facebook and Instagram.


I’ll explain the theoretical backdrop of the study, give an overview of the state-of-the-art on visual political communication, and communicate the study’s methods and key results. Hope you enjoy this one-on-one episode!

Here’s a link to the study (feel free to share around):

Cross-Platform Emotions in Social Media Political Campaigning: Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election (2022) 

#133: Covid Mask Wearing in Politicians’ Social Media Images and Emotions in German Politics, with Dr. Mirya Holman

Dr. Mirya Holman, Associate Professor of Political Science at Tulane University, shares her latest research on how politicians depict mask wearing through their social media images. We discuss how computer vision can be used to detect masks in images, as well as what factors correlate with politicians’ depicting masks. Later in the episode, we discuss another recent study by Dr. Holman, where emotions in the facial expressions and vocal pitch of German politicians were analyzed during election debates. 


Here’s a link to that study: 

Gender, Candidate Emotional Expression, and Voter Reactions during Televised Debates (2021)


And here’s a link to Mirya Holman’s Aggressive Winning Scholars (#MHAWS) Newsletter!